




  MBA education is the inevitable product of high education which adapts to the market economy on the demand for senior career management candidates. After constantly exploration and effort for nearly 100 years, the MBA education in America has formed a mature mode and system of management education, and trained numerous excellent business management personnel. Chinas MBA education has a posterior start and remains a sizable gap with top-grade business school overseas in terms of MBA education quality. Therefore,learning excellent MBA education experiences abroad for reference to improve the quality of Chinas MBA education has become the core and key of the development of Chinas MBA education.
  Based on the analysis of 10 universities home and abroad and collection of multifacetive data, this paper conducts comparative analysis of MBA education of China and overseas, looks for MBA education gap between advanced countries and us, and explore MBA education developmental pattern that can suit for the present situations in China.
  The introduction of this paper generalizes the present research condition home and abroad, explains purpose and significance, and also guiding ideology and technical paths of this research. The body consists four chapters. Chapter l, analyzed the living state of the MBA education in America,ranging from objects of education, the standards of the students,student enrollment,school management,curriculum arrangement,teaching methods,quality assessment and so on,which help us to get clear general frame of MBA education in America. Chapter 2 analyzed the living state of the MBA education in China, ranging from the present condition of qualified teachers, the situation of education content and course arrangement and teaching infrastructure. Chapter 3, on the basis of analysis above, made a comparison between China’s and America’s MBA education. Chapter 4 gave several suggestions towards the development of the MBA education of our own in order to improve its quality. The conclusion section of this paper points out the development trend of Chinas MBA education.

  Key Words: American Education; MBA Education;Comparion