

经济的快速发展和一体化进程,使得企业的生存环境也快速地变化着,被经济、制度、文化、技术、市场等因素交织着的企业环境也越来越复杂和异变,这对企业的管理层提出了更高的要求,于是改变MBA教学理念,优化教学模式,构建科学的、人性化的课程体系,就成为迫在眉睫的事情。 本文采用纵向探究、横向对比的方法来分析MBA的课程设置。纵向上探究了欧美和中国MBA发展的历程,横向上将欧美和中国MBA在课程设置的内容、结构、特点、评价体系等方面进行了剖析和对比,从而提出了对中国MBA课程设置改革的建议:一是优化课程结构,合理分配必修课和选修课的比例;二是整合课程内容,软课程和实践课程的增加将有助于提高学员的能力;三是完善评估体系,完善的评估系统将引导课程的改革;四是改进课程内容的讲授方式,灵活务实的授课方式将更能激发学员的兴趣和创造性;五是增强学校与企业间的合作,这种双赢的合作方式应该着力推进;六是增强塑造MBA精神和创业精神。 本文分为五章,第一章阐释了概念和影响MBA的因素;第二章回顾了MBA的发展历史;第三章详细叙述和列举了美国和欧洲MBA的课程设置特点、内容和优势;第四章则介绍了中国MBA课程设置的特点、发展进程、详细内容,并根据第三章的内容进行中外MBA课程的比较,从文化背景、内容、评价体系到具体的名校,如实详尽的比较后我们将发现中外MBA在课程设置上的差距;第五章则根据现状和差距提出课程设置改革的建议。 现代社会高速发展,人们享受着高科技带来便利的同时也在严重地透支着未来,自2008年爆发全球金融危机以来,随着知名企业不断爆出财务危机和破产倒闭,催生了我们对企业管理的重新审视。于是无论中外,对MBA设置什么课程和学习过程以及怎样学习进行动态的变革与管理,将是现在乃至于21世纪从事MBA教育的学校所面临的重要挑战之一。 关键词:MBA教育;课程设置;比较研究 Abstract In todays global business environment, leadership competencies are fundamental for managing multicultural teams effectively. Apart from their hard business skills, successful managers continuously apply their leadership competencies to create impact and sustain team performance. We are obliged to change educational concept of MBA,build scientific and proper system of curricula and adjust all the time according to the social development. The course constitution of MBA program should be tightly centralized on the education objective,suit to the characteristic of student’s physical and psychology development, and reflect the requirement of modern social and economic development. This paper consists five chapters. Chapter 1 explains the concept and the factors affecting MBA. Chapter 2 traces back to MBA’s history and development. Chapter 3 analyzes the living state of the MBA courses in America and Europe. Chapter 4 describes the characteristics of Chinas MBA curriculum, the development process, the details and in accordance with Chapter 3 of the content of MBA courses in comparative and foreign, from the cultural background, content, evaluation system to specific elite schools, and truthfully a detailed comparison of MBA abroad later, we will find that the gap in the curriculum Chapter 5 gives several suggestions towards the development of MBA courses of our own in order to improve its development. Key words:MBA education;Curriculum;Comparison