

1. 绿色产品开发投资与供应商渠道侵入策略研究.中国管理科学, 2022, 已接收.

2. 地摊经济下考虑资金约束与市场竞争的优化治理研究. 管理学报,2022, 已接收。

3. Information sharing and coordination in a vaccine supply chain. Annals of Operations Research, 2022, Forthcoming.

4. Vaccine supply decisions and government interventions for recurring epidemics. Annals of Operations Research, 2022, Forthcoming.

5. Combating copycats in the supply chain with permissioned blockchain technology. Production and Operations Management, 31(1), 2022, 138-154.

6. Should a domestic firm carve out a niche in overseas markets? Value of purchasing agents. European Journal of Operational Research, 2022, 300, 85-94.

7. Operations strategy for supply chain finance with asset-backed securitization: Centralization and blockchain adoption. International Journal of Production Economics, 2021, 241, 108261.

8. Battling counterfeit masks during the COVID-19 outbreak: Quality inspection vs. blockchain adoption. International Journal of Production Research. 2021, In press.

9. Improving the effectiveness of social media-based crowdsourcing innovations: roles of assurance mechanism and innovator's behaviour. Industrial Management & Data Systems, 2021, 212(2), 478-497.

10. Joint optimization of pricing and inventory control for dual-channel problem under stochastic demand. Annals of Operations Research, 2021, 298(1-2), 307-337.

11. Impacts of competition between buying firms on corporate social responsibility efforts: Does competition do more harm than good?. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 2020, 140, 101985.

12. Quantity leadership for a dual-channel supply chain with retail service. Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research, 2020, 37(02), 2050005.  

13. Implications of peer-to-peer product sharing when the selling firm joins the sharing market. International Journal of Production Economics, 2020, 219, 138-151.

14. Value of bargaining contract in a supply chain system with sustainability investment: An incentive analysis. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems, 2020, 50(4), 1622-1634.